Thursday, October 8, 2015

How we spent our "vacation" from the Holidays

Hi everyone, since there aren't many holidays between July 4 and Halloween, it's been three months since we've posted any reviews.  But we've been keeping busy...

Back in early August, we attended the Richmond Wizard Con, held just a few miles from our house.  We had the opportunity to attend several panel discussions that featured various film and television actors.

The highlight for us was a Q & A with legendary actor William Shatner.  Most of the actors that appeared had moderators that helped them answer questions from the audience.  But Shatner needed no handler!

The Wizard Con also gave us the opportunity to (briefly)  meet actor Billy Boyd, best known as Pippin Took in the Lord Of The Rings movies.  He was very nice and we got a picture with him too.

Billie Piper, best known in the U.S. for her role as Doctor Who companion Rose Tyler also appeared at the con.

More recently, we attended the Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Con (MANC) in Hunt Valley, MD.  The main event of this con was the Bionic Reunion.  Lee Majors, best known as The Six Million Dollar Man and Lindsay Wagner of Bionic Woman-fame appeared on a panel with Richard Anderson, who played their boss Oscar Goldman.  They set a record for the largest audience in MANC history and answered fan questions for an hour.

Majors was also available for photo-ops, so we indulged!

Also appearing at MANC was animation historian Jerry Beck.  He spoke about the history of Popeye cartoons.  We're big fans of classic cartoons and we've seen Beck on lots of documentaries about animation, so it was cool to see him person.  More information about Beck and his work can be found at

Cartoon historian Jerry Beck.
So even in our "off season,"  we're busy soaking up the pop culture goodness!

We're getting ready to blog about Halloween programming and we're excited to participate in this year's Halloween Countdown.

Check back soon for some Halloween fun!

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