Friday, October 10, 2014

Report from the Wizard World Richmond Comic Con!

Before we start reviewing programming that celebrates All Hallows Eve:  

We attended the Wizard World Richmond Comic Con a couple weekends ago. We helped out some friends who have built a motorcycle "inspired by" Daryl Dixon's bike from The Walking Dead. And we made sure we took a "ride" ourselves!  Check out their Facebook group for The Rolling Dead:Zombie Tech.

There were lots of celebrities from film, television and comic books on hand. We got our picture taken with James Marsters, best remembered for his portrayal of Spike on Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Marsters was very ill all weekend, so we didn't get to interact with him much, but he was quite a trouper for going through with his photo-ops and panel discussion. His presence at the comic con reminded us that we need to review more Buffy holiday episodes!

James Marsters answers fans' questions about Buffy and Smallville.
We had about 5 seconds with Bruce Campbell (of Evil Dead & Burn Notice fame), among many other roles), but he was so friendly that it seemed like a lot longer.

"Sam Axe" gets new partners(?).
2014 marks of the release of Ghostbusters. Ernie Hudson -- Winston Zeddemore himself -- was on hand at the Comic Con as well. We got to chat with him a bit and even got a hug from a real Ghostbuster! Awesomesauce!

We also got to chat with and get an autograph from Adam West (Batman from the 1966 series).

We're big fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  So we were excited that we got to see Michael Rooker (of Walking Dead and Guardians of the Galaxy fame) and fellow Guardians actor Dave Bautista (aka "Battista" of WWE wrestling fame) appear together on a panel discussion.  It was very cool to see two stars of the biggest movie of 2014 right here in downtown Richmond!  They were quite funny, but not quite as amusing as Bruce Campbell in his "Vs. the Audience" discussion.

Rooker & Bautista shared some entertaining stories about the making of Guardians Of The Galaxy.

 Comic cons are famous for great cosplay, and this one was no exception.  Here's some highlights:

Getting into character with "Spike"  (who was quite nice, for a vampire)
"Old School" newspaper comic characters Dick Tracy and Charlie Brown unite (Chuck looks vaguely familiar somehow ...)
A great Guardians of the Galaxy group!
The Walking Dead's "Rick" and "Herschel"

We had a great time and are very happy to have fun events like this making their way to Richmond, VA.  If Wizard World happens to be in your area, they throw a pretty darned good event that is well worth your time.

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